jeudi 3 mars 2016

The Ghostbusters Trailer is Here!

The new Ghostbusters trailer is here!

Sony Pictures has just revealed the first full Ghostbusters trailer! In the player above, you can take a look at Paul Feig’s new take on the franchise! There’s also new images of the ECTO-1, the ECTO-2 and of the firehouse themed Ghostcorps building in the gallery below. got an early preview of the Ghostbusters trailer yesterday during a special event hosted on the Sony Pictures lot in Culver City, California. There, dozens of die hard Ghostbusters fans gathered, mostly in costume and some having flown more than 1,000 miles, to get a first look at the Ghostbusters trailer.

“You can see it just in the two-and-a-half minutes,” said producer and original Ghostbusters helmer Ivan Reitman during a Q&A that followed the Ghostbusters trailer debut. “There’s something really special about these four together that makes this become what was so lovely about the first movie.”

“It was really important for us to capture the hearts of what we loved so much about the original,” added screenwriter Katie Dippold “That was the most important thing. But there was also a call to bring something new so that it didn’t feel like just another reboot.”

“I really have such a love for this property,” said director and co-writer Paul Feig, “and what I really wanted to do was to bring it for a new generation. To give a new generation their own team… I get pictures of young girls making the new Ghostbusters costume and putting it on and it really chokes me up. I just love the idea that a new generation is going to have their own [team] that they love as much as the original guys. It’s sheer love for the property that we did this… This is such an amazing franchise that had two amazing movies, but it could just keep going. There’s so many things you could do with it. It seemed terrible to just leave it in a box.”

Meet the new team in the Ghostbusters trailer.

Although the opening of the above Ghostbusters trailer seems to hint that the new film picks up thirty years after the original, Feig was quick to remind the crowd that the new film is, indeed, a reboot.

“I know some people are like, ‘why is this not a sequel and instead a reboot?'” he said. “Personally, [I didn’t like] the idea of them being handed technology and being told ‘here’s how to do this.'”

The new film sees Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy as scientists Erin Gilbert and Abby Yates, respectively. Gilbert is a particle physicist while Yates, Gilbert’s close friend, is an expert in the paranormal. As ghost sightings ramp up, they team with Kate McKinnon‘s Jillian Holtzmann, a nuclear engineer who winds up creating the team’s tech. Leslie Jones‘ Patty Tolan, then, is the team’s everyman character who winds up playing an important role connected to an early supernatural encounter.

“It was really important for us to make them scientists,” said Feig. “That’s what I love about the first one… The idea of people fighting the paranormal with science. Funny people.”

Feig went on to promise that the new film will feature multiple versions of Ray Parker Jr.’s classic Ghostbusters song and will also offer numerous other shout-outs to existing Ghostbusters lore, including a certain ectoplasmic celebrity cameo featured in the above Ghostbusters trailer.

“I don’t want to give stuff away because we do it in a fun way,” he said, “but you know the iconography. You know the things you love the most. Let’s just say that most of them show up in one way or another. Hopefully in a way that will be surprising and that you won’t expect… We wanted to make sure that we give those nods, but that we kind of make them our own. We give them our own origin stories and kind of play with that. When you see the movie, there will be a lot of things that you’ll be happy to see, but they’re coming at you in a slightly different way.”

As for the future of the Ghostbusters franchise beyond the new film, lips remain pretty tight.

“The Ghostbusters universe is such a great universe,” teased Feig. “I know Ghostcorp is preparing a lot more stuff.”

What do you think about the Ghostbusters trailer? Let us know in the comments below and catch Ghostbusters on the big screen July 15.

Watch the Ghostbusters trailer!

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