vendredi 25 août 2017

Best How I Met Your Mother Episodes

Best How I Met Your Mother Episodes

Best How I Met Your Mother Episodes

Do you remember these 15 How I Met Your Mother episodes? How I Met Your Mother is one of those rare long-running comedies that never really lost a step. A handful of episodes really stood out during the show’s run and are worth remembering for their comic gold as well as their feel-good moments.

The Naked Man

An episode that only works because of the characters involved, it’s so much funnier than it has any right to be.

Girls vs. Suits

Barney-heavy How I Met Your Mother episodes are divisive. This one, though, is just fantastic. The amazing musical number at the end puts this one on the list.

The Pineapple Incident

Silly and fun, this episode is an early example of what makes HIMYM such a standout show. No, we never do find out about the pineapple.

How I Met Everyone

A fantastic episode full of flashbacks, it adds a little more depth to the characters along with some fantastic comedy.


Barney is on The Price Is Right. That’s all you really need to know. There are some other great moments, but Neal Patrick Harris knocks this one out of the park. It packs a lot of humor and a good deal of heart, like all the best How I Met Your Mother episodes.

Come On

The season one finale proved that the show has staying power. It’s even more memorable if you keep the series finale in mind, but this episode stands on its own quite well.

Bad News

The last few minutes are some of the most gut-wrenching television the show has ever attempted, and it is pulled off flawlessly. It’s worth watching again to see the foreshadowing.

How I Met Your Mother Yellow Umbrella


It’s hard to go wrong with the first episode of the show. There are a few rough spots, and the characterization isn’t quite spot-on yet, but it’s still a great deal of fun to watch.


Slapsgiving is part of the payoff to a long-running joke from the series. While this is enough to earn it a spot on the list of the best How I Met Your Mother episodes, it’s the emotional development of the characters that allows the episode to stand out.

Lucky Penny

This smart and loaded episode makes use of the premise very well. It’s the physical comedy in the B-plot that really elevates this episode. You’ll never look at running a marathon the same way again.

The Best Burger in New York

While the episode isn’t as central to the growth of the show as the others on this list, it’s a great episode about getting older. The Regis Philbin jokes are funny, but the last few minutes of the episode really shine. It’s a must-watch for fans of Marshall.

How Your Mother Met Me

This episode provides a proper introduction to the character Tracy, the mother. It’s a fantastic jaunt through the series, showing all the times that she and Ted have crossed paths.

Three Days of Snow

This is one of the episodes that really shows how much Marshall and Lilly love one another. While the subplot about Barney and Ted running their own bar is funny, this episode shines when it’s being heartwarming.

The Playbook

A fantastically layered episode that’s worth watching more than once, this episode isn’t just Barney at his best; it’s the craziness of the show in top form.

Slap Bet

This episode is everything right with the series in one 30-minute package. Come for the titular bet and stay for the debut of Robin Sparkles.

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