mardi 23 mai 2017

Pennywise Documentary Lurches to Life!


New documentary explores the making of the original IT miniseries and Tim Curry’s portrayal of Pennywise

With horror fans and even casual viewers looking for creep-out and ESPECIALLY people who are terrified of clowns, getting jazzed up about the impending release of the remake/remount of Stephen King‘s epic coming-of-age horror novel IT, filmmaker John Campopiano and his team of investigators have just announced that they are currently mounting an IT-tastic flick of their own. Pennywise: The Story of IT charts the creation of Tommy Lee Wallace’s beloved 2 part TV miniseries adaptation and specifically foucses on actor Tim Curry‘s marvelous portrayal of the story’s chief villain, the insectile clown ghost/demon Pennywise.

From Campopiano’s press release:

“As many know, I’ve teamed up with UK filmmakers Gary Smart and Chris Griffiths, both of whom are based in London, on a brand new documentary about Stephen King’s IT called, Pennywise: The Story of IT.

Earlier this afternoon we officially launched our Indiegogo campaign which will–hopefully!–be successful and will allow us to tell a story we care deeply about as horror fans and admirers of Tim Curry.

Our team would be sincerely grateful if you could help spread the word however possible. Everything about this new endeavor is ambitious, so we’re hoping that friends and family–including our extended family in the horror and film communities–can help us make this dream project a reality.

From digging into the historical and cultural phenomenon of coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) to Tim Curry’s magical portrayal of Pennywise the Clown, to the impact Vancouver (aka “Hollywood North”) had on this special made-for-tv miniseries, our project aims to tell a story heard by few and showcase a wealth of behind-the-scenes footage and photos seen by even fewer.

As you’ll learn from the Indiegogo campaign video and webpage, we’ve confirmed Tim’s involvement in this project as well as 20 other cast and crew–and the list continues to grow. This is going to be a special film for horror fans the world over. We’ve already been been receiving lots of positive press thus far, which you can read about here, here, and here.

Thank YOU for any help you can extend in spreading the word and bringing eyes to this important Indiegogo campaign.”

Visit the IndieGogo campaign here and consider supporting the film.

More on the project as it unfolds…

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